To set up a Flutter development environment, you need to install the Flutter SDK (Software Development Kit) and a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) on your computer.
Here are the steps to set up a Flutter development environment:
Download and install the Flutter SDK:
Go to the Flutter website ( ) and click on the "Get started" button.
Follow the instructions to download the Flutter SDK for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a location on your computer (e.g., C:\src\flutter on Windows or ~/src/flutter on macOS and Linux).
Add the Flutter SDK to your system path:
On Windows:
Open the Start menu and search for "Environment Variables".
Click on "Edit the system environment variables" and then click on the "Environment Variables" button.
Under the "System variables" section, scroll down to the "Path" variable and click on the "Edit" button.
Click on the "New" button and enter the path to the Flutter SDK bin directory (e.g., C:\src\flutter\bin).
Click on the "OK" button to close all windows.
On macOS and Linux:
Open a terminal and enter the following commands:
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/src/flutter/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Install a text editor or IDE:
Flutter works with a wide variety of text editors and IDEs, including Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text.
Choose the text editor or IDE that you prefer and install it on your computer.
If you are using
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